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Damiana consists of the dried leaves and stems of a bush which grows in the tropical areas of America. It is an invigorating aphrodisiac which produces a relaxing, mellow high that lasts for about two hours. Damiana is a muscle relaxant and also a sexual stimulant that improves blood circulation in the genital area.

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Damiana (Turnera diffusa), the Aztecs used it as a remedy against impotence. The Mayas used it for pleasure and other Indian tribes used the tea for medicinal purposes. Thus it is a herb with many qualities and possible applications.

When used regularly for a longer period Damiana can strengthens the erection and helps to restore the hormonal balance in women.


To make tea out of damiana herb, mix 10 to 15 grams (½ oz.) with 1 liter of water. Let this boil gently for 5 minutes, then cool it, sift it and drink a few cups.

To make damiana liquor, mix 30 grams (1 oz.) of damiana herb with half a litre liquor (Vodka) and let this soak for 5 days. Sift it and let the alcohol drenched leaves soak another 5 days in 125 ml of mineral water. Strain out the liquid and filter it. Heat the water extract until just under the boiling point and mix it with half a cup of honey. Mix the alcohol extract and the water extract in a bottle and keep for a month. The mix will sink down and the liquid will become clearer. Pour the liquid carefully in a clean bottle. For the best results take 1 or 2 glasses about an hour before the desired effect.

To use the damiana, you can mix one teaspoon with water, juice, yoghurt or custard.

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