Our Diplopterys cabrerana comes directly from South America. Available from 1kg
Psychotria viridis (chacruna) The leaves have a feminine spirit. Available 50 and 1000 grams
Our extracts are made mostly from wild Caapi Caupuri by our caboclo (local forest dwellers, usually a mixture of decedents of rubber tappers and indigenous) partners. This is a 20:1 extract.
The Bobinsana plant, from the Mimosa family, is a plant that loves water and can be found alongside rivers in the Amazon (Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and Bolivia). This plant is usually between 4 and 6 meters high. The Bobinsana plant, from the Mimosa family, is a plant that loves water and can be found alongside rivers in the Amazon.
Cielo Banisteriopsis Caapi vine. Available in 100, 250, 500 and 1000 grams. As Shredded or whole form.
These small and brown seeds contain harmine and other harmala alkaloids. It is one of the plants speculated to be the Soma or Haoma of ancient Persia.
This water-based extract is made with a native caapi variety from the southern Brazilian Amazon called Arara. It is a less common variety known to for its potency and its typical appearance. It twists regularly giving it a beautiful harmoniously twisted vine. This is a 20:1 extract.
The bark, Mimosa Hostilis, comes from trees locally known as Jurema, Zwarte Jurema, Vinho de Jurema or Jurema Preta. The root bark is the most popular part of the plant because the root bark is praised by the local Shamans for its enthogenic properties.
Red vine Banisteriopsis Caapi. Available in 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 grams. Whole form. Available in 250, 500 and 1000 grams
Tucanaca is a vine that opens and splits up when it gets thicker in the forest giving it a broken appearance. It is one of the more common varieties giving, in general, a bit thinner tea than other varieties. The vine has a reddish color, especially when shredded and dried. This is a waterbased 30x extract.
The Brazilian Caupuri Caapi has big knots in the stems which makes it very different compared to other Caapi kinds.
Your Wholesale Company for Smartproducts, Ethnobotanicals en Shamanic products. We mostly supply Webshops and Stores in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe
NLNaturals B.V. , CC Nr: 77748301 VAT Nr: NL8611.24.601.B01
IBAN: NL51INGB0008958604 BIC/SWIFT: INGBNL2A Webshop: Telfordstraat 35A, 8013 RL Telephone: +31382001004 | E-mail Address: