Hawaiian Baby Woodrose - Hawaii View larger
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose - Hawaii

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose - Hawaii

The seeds of the Baby Hawaiian Woodrose or Argyreia nervosa ivy contain a high percentage of LSA, a substance with a long shamanic history that induces a powerful psychedelic experience. Take 4 to 5 seeds for a visionary experience of about 8 hours. 

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Baby Hawaiian Woodrose - Hawaii

Baby Hawaii from Woodrose are seeds that can be taken to experience a trip that comes close to LSD.


LSA increases awareness in a way that is similar to other tryptamine hallucinogens. Nausea and other stomach problems are quite common after taking Hawaiian baby woodrose, not caused by the LSA but by other substances in the seeds. Some users therefore choose to extract the LSA from the seeds.


Remove any remaining peels and make the seeds as fine as possible with a knife or scissors. They can also be ground with a coffee grinder. Put the ground seeds in a cup and pour some hot but not boiling water over them. Leave it for at least 1½ hours before sieving. Drink the liquid first, preferably on an empty stomach, and eat the pulp half an hour later (or just throw it away).


10 seeds.


Seeds of the Argyreia nervosa vine.

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