07 Shawandawa Rapé View larger
07 Shawandawa Rapé

07 Shawandawa Rapé

The Shawandawa Rapé is a basic blend they use in daily life to give strength for work and relax in the afternoon with their friends. It is a blend of a nice powerful tabacco, Tsunu ashes and herbs from their tradition that gives it its gentle flavor and special force.

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Shawãdawa Rapé

The Shawãdawa tribe are the people of the Macaw, Shawã means macaw in their language. They live along the Juruá river in the most western region of Brazil, close to the Peruvian border. A tribe with much knowledge of medicinal plants and their use. They have only recently started to open up their Rapé recipes to the outside world. They use different medicinal plants for specific purposes. This one is basic blend they use in daily life to give strength for work and relax in the afternoon with their friends. It is a blend of a nice powerful tabacco, Tsunu ashes and herbs from their tradition that gives it its gentle flavor and special force.

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