Dragon's Blood Sage - 2 Smudge Sticks View larger
Dragon's Blood Sage - 2 Smudge Sticks

Dragon's Blood Sage - 2 Smudge Sticks

Dragon's Blood is used as a smudge stick for cleaning, vitalization and strength. Dragons Blood also stands for love, protection, purification. The fragrance strengthens your inner strength, strengthening your self-confidence. Content: 2 Smudge Sticks

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Dragon's Blood Sage

Dragon's Blood is used as a smudge stick for cleansing, vitality and strength.
Dragons Blood also stands for love, protection, purification. The scent strengthens your inner strength which strengthens your self-confidence. Dragon's Blood stimulates your strength and perseverance to achieve your goals and dreams. It also helps to dispel negative energies and is therefore also very suitable to use during the cleansing of a room.

You can use the Smudge sticks by lighting the top. You blow out the flame so that the top glows. The fragrant smoke will spread through the room. You can use the stick several times by extinguishing it in a fireproof dish or an abalone shell. The use of an abalone shell ensures the presence of all four elements. The abalone shell stands for the element water. Lighting the smudge stands for fire, the smoke that is released stands for air and the smudge itself stands for the element earth.

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